HAND GRADER by KLOTZ LABS: Anti Aging cosmetics for the hands

HAND GRADER : When your hands reveal your true age

Most people place particular importance on facial care: with the right products, you can make your complexion look fresher and more youthful in no time at all - and even look a few years younger than you actually are. But a look at your hands quickly reveals your true age - because there is hardly any other part of your body that reveals your true age as well as your hands.

Hands are rarely covered and are therefore exposed to the most environmental stresses. They have to withstand numerous stresses in everyday life. As we get older, the stresses and environmental influences leave their visible traces - the skin on the hands becomes more wrinkled, it loses moisture and elasticity. Age spots can also appear.

This makes it all the more important to include your hands in your daily beauty routine. With the HAND GRADER from KLOTZ LABS, you can treat your hands to a very special treatment that pampers, firms and protects them. Based on highly concentrated hyaluronic acid, the HAND GRADER serum provides your hands with intensive moisture and gives them more elasticity with vitamin F liposomes. The skin becomes smoother and firmer, and the skin texture is more even. Calluses also visibly reduce.

Prevent skin aging on your hands – so that they can no longer reveal your true age.

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