KLOTZ LABS Hyaluron Cosmetics in harmony with nature

KLOTZ LABS Hyaluron Cosmetics – with respect for nature

The most important criteria when it comes to choosing cosmetics are usually effectiveness and tolerability. But other factors also play a role - such as the increasing question of whether the cosmetic product in question is environmentally friendly.

With KLOTZ LABS hyaluronic acid products, you are making the right decision in this regard too: In addition to high effectiveness and very good tolerability, our products are also environmentally friendly. This applies to the manufacturing process and the ingredients, as well as to our transport routes.

The production and composition of our hyaluronic cosmetics follows clear environmental and ethical rules. To protect our living areas - as well as for the benefit of your health - we do not use fragrances and questionable UV light filters and rely on sustainable processes. To protect animals, all hyaluronic acid products are developed without animal testing.

We also strive to make an active contribution to environmental protection when it comes to delivery: If you order KLOTZ LABS cosmetics in our online shop, we will deliver the product to you via UPS in a “CO²-neutral” manner whenever possible. For the sake of the environment, we avoid unnecessary packaging material.

Hyaluron cosmetics in harmony with nature, combined with high effectiveness and tolerability: With these properties, KLOTZ LABS convinces even demanding beauty fans.

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